NSW Premier Condemns Neo-Nazi Protests, Vows to Outlaw Nazi Salute

NSW Premier Chris Minns has announced plans to explicitly outlaw the Nazi salute across the state amid concerns about the growing presence of white supremacist groups in Sydney.

The decision comes in the wake of another neo-Nazi rally in Sydney on Sunday morning, marking the third such gathering in three days.

Police intervened in a confrontation with over 60 men wearing black balaclavas on a train on Friday afternoon, during a weekend of demonstrations, Pedestrian reports.

An alleged far-right gang is pictured at the Grampians in Victoria. Credit: Facebook.
An alleged neo-nazi gang is pictured at the Grampians in Victoria. Credit: Facebook.

On Australia Day, the police arrested six individuals and issued 55 infringement notices for offensive behavior at a Sydney train station.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese expressed his horror at the activities, condemning the neo-Nazi group and their intimidating appearance.

Premier Minns characterised the gatherings as pathetic and embarrassing, emphasising that the importation of hate into NSW is unwelcome.

He highlighted the need to explicitly outlaw the Nazi salute in the state, citing the existing ban on the swastika in NSW. Minns clarified that if current laws don’t cover the salute, legislative measures would be taken to make it illegal.

Approximately half of the individuals involved in the weekend events reportedly came from Victoria. Minns reiterated the authority of NSW police to unmask individuals engaged in such behavior, sending a clear message that racists, especially those from interstate, are not welcome in the state.

The rise in neo-Nazi demonstrations across Australia, particularly in Victoria, has been a growing concern.

In December, a group marched through Ballarat with a divisive banner, while in October, individuals displayed Nazi symbols at Flinders Street Station.

The increase in far-right extremism, notably in Victoria, has been attributed to prolonged COVID lockdowns and the cost-of-living crisis, resulting in heightened recruitment and radicalisation.


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Tue Jan 30 , 2024
Independent Senator Lidia Thorpe is urging the Australian government to impose sanctions on Israel in response to a landmark ruling […]
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